Witches march in Chatham’s Independence Day Parade
Life is busy for 40-60ish year-old women on a regular basis; mothering, relationshipping (yes, I just made that into a verb), working a regular job and volunteering for everything because that’s what we do. So, when Jo-Ellen suggested we march in the Chatham Independence Day parade to help spread the word about us, what was our response? “Of course we will! It’s a great idea!” We squeaked out time from our busy schedules to create a float and create marketing pieces to hand out. Seems like a chore, but in reality, it was an opportunity to hang out with good friends and be productive at the same time, all while holding a collective goal in the back of our minds; helping out where we are needed. It’s what we do and it is one of the most rewarding feelings one can have.
Bright and early on Saturday, July 3, we gathered on Shore Road in Chatham to prepare the float. In true Chatham fashion, the weather was windy and cloudy and somewhat damp. Keeping our witch hats on top of our heads while stapling cardboard waves to the side of the trailer was a bit tricky but as witches, we are resourceful and magical. (Okay, we took our hats off until we were ready to march. I mean c’mon, does magic really exist? Oh. Wait. It does! If you don’t believe me, go visit your office printer. Seriously, scanning, copying, collating, printing wirelessly from your computer, etc. is magic in its greatest form!!)
Anyway, the parade was a success! People looked at us like we were nuts. What are witches doing in a Fourth of July Parade? Spreading the word of course. But once we gave them our brochure they were all excited. We had a lot of fun and are even more excited about our event on October 2nd.
As for the reason this didn’t get posted until July 17? I already explained above… I’m busy!
And just like that, there they go! See you all in October!